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Which plastics can not be recycled?

Post-consumer plastic products are thrown away on a daily basis, which not only leads to environmental pollution but also to health crises.

However, not all products can be successfully recycled. One of the main types of plastics that cannot be recycled is composite products, which are difficult to separate due to their unique material composition. Therefore, they cannot be processed through traditional recycling processes.


Which plastics can not be recycled?

The Importance of Plastic Recycling

Many organizations, from waste management providers to governments, are offering new plastics strategies to shift to a climate-neutral circular economy by 2050. The Single-Use Plastics Directive and Packaging Regulation are among the most important regulations.
Learn more: Laws and regulations on circular economy.

Recycling plastic packaging materials wherever possible is vital for the environment. Plastic takes hundreds of years to biodegrade, 500-1000 years for some types (!), which means it takes up landfill space. This means it takes up space in landfills and pollutes the environment for much longer. Additionally, recycling plastics saves limited natural resources and energy; since plastics are made from petroleum, the less plastic made from raw materials, the more petroleum is saved by using a combination of food-grade recycled materials and new plastics.


Which plastics can be recycled?

In addition to common plastics and household waste, other plastics are recyclable, but they may require more specific measures.

The number on the plastic is a plastic resin code that quickly shows which plastic the product belongs to. The numbers range from 1 to 7, where 7 means “other”. (usually found at the bottom)

The most common recycled plastics are:

1 – Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) – water bottles and packaging containers
2 – High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – milk bottles and trays
3 – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) – water pipes for building materials
4 – Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) – food bags, wrapping film
5 – Polypropylene (PP) – woven bags and disposable trays
6 – Polystyrene (PS) – electrical enclosures and toys


How to Recycle Plastic for Reuse

Before entering the plastic recycling machine, plastics are sorted according to resin type, either manually or mechanically by material and color. After sorting, the plastic recycling machine removes debris, crushes, washes, dries, and pelletizes the plastic to form new polymers for reuse.

Once the plastic is recycled, the new pellets can be made into brand-new products. We can provide a complete solution for plastic recycling.

Learn more: Plastic Recycling Equipment.


Which plastics cannot be recycled?

Whether or not different plastics are recyclable depends on how they are made; thermosets contain polymers that form irreversible chemical bonds and cannot be recycled, while thermoplastics can be re-melted and re-molded.

Examples of non-recyclable plastics include snack wrappers, cellophane, coffee bags, and deli bags, which should be disposed of in the trash. These items are not recyclable because they are made from multiple composite materials that cannot be separated.

Medical supplies, prescription drugs, pill bottles, etc., should be disposed of in specialized garbage cans, as these plastics contain hazardous materials.


Why aren’t all plastics recycled?

About 70% of the plastics produced globally are thermoplastics. In theory, these plastics can be recycled. However, there are many economic, environmental, and technical reasons why plastics cannot be recycled, aside from the way they are manufactured. For example, 70% of thermoplastics contain only 30% of products with added value for recycling.


What’s going to happen to plastic?

The recent release of environmental regulations in various countries (plastic restrictions, recycling of plastics, carbon emissions, etc.) means that there will be less plastic waste being incinerated and landfilled.

It is important to explore alternatives to incineration, landfills, and the discharge of plastics into the oceans, as plastic waste should not immediately be seen as useless but rather valuable.

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